SCIM set up for Azure

This short guide will help you set up SCIM for Clearooms on your Azure account

Scroll down to follow steps...

Set up

  1. Navigate to your Azure Active Directory Admin site

  2. Open Enterprise Applications and open your SSO app or create new

  3. Click on "Provisioning"

  4. Click "Get Started"

Add URL's

  1. Ensure mode is "Automatic"

  2. Open Clearooms Portal and navigate to SCIM Set up page

  3. Enable SCIM user provisioning

  4. Copy the SCIM URL and paste into Azure "Tenant URL"

  5. Copy the password from the Clearooms portal and paste into the Azure "Secret Token"

  6. Save the settings in Clearooms

  7. In Azure click "Test Settings"

  8. Save in Azure

Test your setup

  1. Open Provision on demand

  2. Test 1 user

  3. Gain confirmation in Azure of success

  4. Open Clearooms and view that user in settings to confirm provisioning has occurred (Azure badge next to name will appear)


  1. Enable in Azure

  2. Done