
Meeting room services allow you to create custom groups (Services) of items and make them available to order when booking a meeting room though Clearooms.
Examples of Services could be:  

  • Catering, with various options of sandwiches, buffets or drinks 

  • Equipment, with item such as projectors, laptops, white boards

  • Configuration, with items like "Conference set up" , "Training Set up" 

Once services are created you can allocate a designated email address to send requests to and assign the "Service Manager" role to users so they can view, edit, respond to orders. 

Creating Services

A Service and its items are created from Settings > Meeting Rooms > Services

A Service needs a name, description and a destination email. Each service can be made available to specific users, Meeting Rooms, Teams or even certain Roles. 

A service can be restricted to specific rooms, people or roles and can be set to only be available within certain days and/or times of the day. 

Creating Service Items

Once a Service exists you can add Service Items by adding a name and Description then defining if it is quantity sensitive and if it has a charge. 

Service items can have a minimum and max order quantity and can have a charge associated with them.