Linked/Multiroom Meetings

Our new Linked/Multi-room Meeting feature makes booking multiple meeting simpler than ever by allowing you to link rooms within the same office, creating a combined, seamless space with a single booking. No need to book each room individually, Just manage all linked rooms at once.

Settings for Linked Rooms:

Go to Settings < Meeting Rooms < Meeting Rules

Scroll down to Multi-room Meetings where you will be able to enable the below options:

Allow multiple rooms per meeting - This will enable the linked rooms function.

Allow gaps in linked rooms - Example, If you have meeting rooms 1, 2 and 3 and would like to link rooms 1 and 3 but not 1, 2 & 3 enabling this option will allow this.

Restrict multiroom meetings to linked rooms - Enable to ensure multiroom meetings can only be booked for meeting rooms set up as linked rooms.

To set up Linked Rooms:

  1. Go to Settings < Meeting rooms < Linked Rooms.

  2. Select the office where you'd like to create linked rooms and click Manage Links.

  3. Link as many rooms as needed within that office

Once your rooms are linked, You'll see an "Additional Rooms" tab when booking a meeting in Clearooms. This tab shows other available rooms that can be linked to your booking. To add a room, simply click "select Room" next to the room you'd like to include.